Let’s talk about one of the most common blocks that my coaching clients face - the stories we tell ourselves. You know the ones:
I am not good enough
I am too old, too young
I don’t have enough time, mooney
I don’t have what it takes
I don’t have the right skills
… And the list could go on and on
Sounds familiar?
You’re not alone. We all have limiting beliefs. They’re like overprotective guardians, meant to keep us safe, but in reality, they often hold us back from pursuing our deepest passions and dreams.
Kind of counterproductive, right? Our brains aren’t wired to embrace risks, so when danger (or perceived danger) shows up, our instinct is to run, freeze, or fight.
Now, imagine you’re having a heart-to-heart chat with your best friend, and they say exactly the same things to you that you tell yourself. How would that make you feel? Probably pretty upset, and rightfully so. Yet, when it’s our inner voice, we tend to believe it.
Well, at some point, you probably heard these limiting beliefs from someone else - maybe a parent, a teacher, or they stemmed from cultural or social standards. Often those remarks weren’t meant to hurt you, but they stuck with you, like an old song playing on repeat.
When we constantly replay these negative beliefs, we unintentionally create our own barriers. We end up stuck, unable to take action, and trapped in a cycle of frustration and unhappiness.
But here is the good news!
You can retrain your brain and rewrite your inner narrative. It won’t happen overnight, but with commitment, the right tools, and the support of people who believe in you, you can rediscover your true self and reignite your passions. You’ll come to believe that you are enough, you have enough, and you’ve got what it takes.
By affirming to yourself, “I am enough”, you give yourself permission to show-up as your authentic self and embrace your full potential.
If you ever feel stuck or caught in a downward spiral, start paying attention to your narrative. What do you notice?
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to share your experiences or any strategies that have helped you overcome limiting beliefs.