Why we shouldn’t make rush decisions when it comes to changing career but rather take the time to prepare ourselves and get ready to face any challenges that the future holds for us?
I wish we were living in a culture of prevention rather than re-action. Where we didn’t act out of fear, desperation and urgency but face the challenges knowing that we have all the tools and knowledge that will help us go through them.
We all have fears and different ways of reacting to them: fight, flight or freeze.
I have had my share of anxiety and fears and every time I have frozen until one day I couldn’t move anymore.
I was lost and stuck in a job, which once was my passion, and didn’t know what to do. One thing I knew for certain was I didn’t want to stay there. I was ready to make a change and try anything that would take me out of that place of desperation.
I didn’t know anything about coaching at the time but was ready to give it a go and it was transformative. I felt empowered and ready to take on my next challenge.
Little did I know that this next challenge would be the worst experience of my life. For 9 months I was bullied and in such toxic environment that my anxiety was at its peak. I lost my confidence to the point that I couldn’t even send a simple email. I was a wreck.
So when I was made redundant it should have destroyed me. On the contrary and still to this day, I believe this is the best thing that happened to me because I was ready. I had prepared for that very day. I knew now who I was and what I wanted to do. So within a week I got two job offers. One was to go back to my passion and work in a stressful and uncertain environment. The other one would take me on a completely different path where I would learn and grow and help people go slower to go faster to the thing they love. I chose the latter and here I am today doing the job I love.
I wish we were living in a culture where prevention is more important than re-action. But we are living in a world where fast-pace is the norm and synonymous of success, and where there is no place left for slowing down.
My invitation to you is that you take the time now, whether it is a few weeks or a few months, to slow down and get prepared so that when the time comes you will be able to go faster.
Coaching is not only a way to learn more about yourself, it is also a time to pause, reflect and slow down so that you can get faster to where you really want to be.